I am with you now. In the wandering, in the waiting; when your plans didn’t work out. When your dreams aren’t coming true.
I’m with you in the uncertain space. Where there are more questions, than answers. Where your fears feel bigger than, your hope.
I’m with you although you feel all alone, It might surprise you, but you aren’t the only one; that’s longing, searching, praying, for things that are bigger than you can dream.
Longing for understanding; searching for meaning; praying for more.
But in this quiet moment, As you hush the stirrings deep within you, Let your heart long for more than you could ask or imagine, and yet, Let your soul rest in His ENOUGH.
Knowing, believing, praying, that when He says “IT IS FINISHED,” that means His work in us, IS JUST BEGINNNING.
And it is very good.